
by Nizar Torlakovic
Posted: about 5 years ago
Updated: over 2 years ago by Michael Groeschel
Visible to: public

Time zone: Sydney
Reminder: None
Ends: 02:00pm (duration is about 5 hours)

Since we have a few new members, it’s time to run another introductory trip, where we go through basics of picking good lines, open diffs vs lockers, basic recovery gear, etc.

Watagans is full of tracks with small challenges, and it’s a great place to build some skills. If you have recovery gear, bring it so you can try it out.

Weather dependent. Will make a call closer to the day (rain is forecast, but forecast is changing daily, so we might be ok with a light drizzle).

Meet at 9 am at the entrance of the forest, at end of Sauls Rd. From Sydney, take Mandalong Rd Exit, right turn into Deaves Rd and left turn into Sauls Rd.


Sauls Rd and Beaches Rd, Mandalong


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